Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Super Bowl Movie Trailers

If you were one of the record 106 million viewers watching this year's Big Game, then you might have seen some of these trailers. Spots for this type of event are extremely expensive, usually $2 or $3 million per 30 seconds of airtime. That means that the movies that usually seek out space are big blockbusters with big budgets.

I'll start with the one I'm most excited about. "Robin Hood" stars Russell Crowe and is directed by Ridley Scott, the pairing that made "Gladiator" into a Best Picture winner in 2000. That alone is exciting, and it just looks awesome. Check out the trailer, set to be released on May 14, 2010:

Then there's "Prince of Persia: Sands of Time" starring Jake Gyllenhaal and based on a video game of the same name. Also looks kind of cool. Here's the trailer:

Another big one was "Shutter Island." Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and directed by Martin Scorsese, this movie has had its release repeatedly pushed back, so who knows whats up. Now they say it'll be out on Feb. 19, but who knows. I read the book, which was pretty good, but I'll be interested to see the movie. Here's the trailer, which makes it look pretty creepy (and it will be!):

This next one has been out for awhile too, but looks pretty sweet. "The Wolfman", starring Benicio Del Toro and Anthony Hopkins, should be awesome. Look for it to come out this Friday, Feb. 12. Its release has also been pushed back multiple times. Here's the trailer:

Finally, "Alice in Wonderland", starring Johnny Depp and a pretty solid cast. This is the second Disney entry, as "Prince of Persia" is a Disney flick too. "Alice" looks pretty trippy and crazy, but could be a pretty cool Tim Burton remake of an all-time classic. Here's the trailer; film due out March 5, 2010:

Those are all the trailers I saw. Did I miss any? What were your favorites? And how about the game itself? Pretty sweet if you ask me. My favorite commercial might have been the Google one. Pretty good stuff from the giant search engine. Lets hear some feedback!

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